Click here to link to The National Child Traumatic Stress Network for some helpful information.
If your child discloses abuse and is in immediate danger, call 911. If your child is safe from the alleged perpetrator, you can report the abuse to your county child protection agency.
If you have concerns about your child’s physical health related to suspected sexual abuse, the Child and Family Advocacy Center of South Central Minnesota can help you with scheduling a medical evaluation with a Mayo pediatrician who is specially trained to work with children who have experienced sexual abuse.
If your child reports a sexual abuse incident that has happened in the last 120 hours (5 days), they should be seen as soon as possible at an emergency room.
If a report is made to social services or to the police, the investigators will decide if your child needs to be interviewed. Forensic interviews are conducted by forensic interviewers who are specially trained to talk to children in a neutral, fact finding manner that will minimize any further trauma.
Your child may have to testify during a criminal proceeding; however, many cases do not continue to a trial. If the investigation leads to criminal proceedings, the Child and Family Advocate will offer education and support about the process to help you and your child.
Children are able to heal from the trauma of victimization. One of the most important factors for healing is a sense of support and safety from family and caregivers.
Children may need therapy to recover and move forward from a trauma. The Child and Family Advocate can help you determine the best therapist for your situation.
The goal of a possible investigation is to identify what has happened and to keep children with safe caregivers who will protect them from further victimization.
Tell your child that you are proud of them for telling about the abuse event. Let them know that you are here to help keep them safe. If your child offers details regarding the abuse, listen to them but do not ask specific questions regarding the details. Tell your child that the abuse was not their fault. As a caregiver, finding support for yourself is very important during this time. If you have questions about what to say to your child, you can get support through an advocate at the Child and Family Advocacy Center.
Teach your child:
- No one should touch their private body parts unless they are helping them to stay safe, healthy or clean.
- No one should ask your child to touch their private parts.
- No one should show their private body parts to your child.
- Your child should never be asked to look at pictures of private body parts on a computer, television or cell phone.
It is an adult’s job to help a child figure out if a confusing touch was safe or unsafe. Your child should know it is always okay to say “No“ about any touches to their body, even to an adult.
When a disclosure has just been made and an investigation has just started, it is difficult to know whether an arrest will be made or charges will be filed. The decision about charging will be made based on the evidence found through an investigation. If charges are filed, they are filed by the state in cases of child sexual abuse. It is not necessarily a parent’s decision to file charges in cases of child sexual abuse.
Many things can change when a child abuse disclosure is made and an alleged perpetrator is no longer living in the home. The Child and Family Advocate can help you apply for resources and figure out a plan to pay your expenses.
While it is important to find a support network during an investigation, it is important to remember that an investigation is ongoing and too much discussion of the details of disclosure and case may hurt your child’s case. You should not confront the alleged abuser of the allegations. This could place you and your children in danger.
Remember that you do not owe anyone an explanation regarding what has happened to anyone. You can say, “I’d rather not talk about it”, “It has been a very difficult time for us”, or “I appreciate your concern”. Family members may have strong positive or negative reactions to the abuse incident. Not all friends and family members will believe your child or be supportive of the decision to report abuse.
It is important that your child feels believed. However, it is hard for some people to believe that someone they know and trusted could hurt a child. Perpetrators do not present themselves to others in a way that makes us see them as harmful, it is important to understand that others may not recognize an abuser who is an acquaintance or family member.
You can choose to shield your children from family members who do not believe them. The Child and Family Advocate can help you to figure out what to say to friends and family members who do not believe what your child has said.